Hello everyone, how are things going for you all? Everything here is going great, we were supposed to have a baptism this week, but it just didn´t seem to happen, don´t worry, we will work with him. So far I´m loving my companion a lot, he the same personality like me, so you can just imagine how our companionship is, hahaha, but we are working very hard, we have to really work over time now, because we have a lot of less actives, and I mean a lot, our count for people who attend is super low, so we are working super hard to visit less actives along with teaching our investigators, so this area will be a challenge for me, but I believe I can handle it, I love working anyway, nothing is better than doing missionary work. So I´m still on my first pair of shoes, hahaha, I have already had them repaired once, it only cost about three dollars to repair here, I plan to keep these shoes going for at least until I have one year in the mission, but I don´t think they will make it, they are already looking pretty ugly. Oh and one thing, I didn´t say that your old enough yet to serve a mission, I just asked how your preparing, one thing I suggest is "preach my gospel", because believe it or not, every mission uses it, and besides, that´s a really good way to help develop your teaching skills, etc. and the list goes on! Well I´m glad to hear everyone is doing good, I wish everyone could realize how much happiness they would have if they just forget everything from the world, and I´m not saying that to make anyone mad or say it to be smart, I´m saying it because of the joy I feel, and how much happier I have felt, by putting the things of the world away, it reminds me of a scripture in the Book of Mormon, Dad and Steven should know this one, I will say the short version because I only know it in Spanish, "Wickedness was never happiness". My spanish is getting better, but I need to fix my grammar because it is terrible, I never really noticed it before, but I guess that´s the learning part. Well I love you all, I want to hear how everyone is doing?
Love Elder Johnson