Monday, February 13, 2012

Dear Everyone!
So this week went by fast again, it was my last week here in Rosalinda, Wednesday I will be leaving, I have been here in Rosalinda for 4 months, nothing is harder than saying goodbye to every one here. I bore my testimony in Sacrament meeting Sunday, and that was super good, everyone seemed a little sad, but I think they were just saying that, haha, just kidding. So I have no idea where I`m going, or who my new companion is, I won`t find out until Wednesday. So believe it or not, I did learn something from my companion, we grew closer to each other, it was better than when we started. So if Heavenly Father put me with him to learn something, I defiantly did. I`m kind of hoping for a latino companion so I can get better with my Spanish, but I will be with who ever the Lord wants me to be with. I`m excited that we have changes though, it will be nice to make more friends and teach different investigators, basically to learn different things. So it`s really exciting that Brother and Sister Ellsworth are serving missions, they`re going to love it so much! Speaking of missions, Mom and Dad, if you haven`t started preparing for a mission, start now, because your time is very soon, and nothing is a greater blessing than serving a mission for your Lord, I can testify of that, dad can testify of that, and so can Steven. A mission is absolutely indescribable, and a huge blessing, so hurry up! :) It`s super great that Brother Beagley is Bishop now, he will love what he`s doing, even the councilors will love what their doing. So I will answer the question about the truck, I changed the spark plugs, the spark boots, and the ignition coil, even the fuel filter, so really nothing should be wrong, if anything, take it to Tim to have the system checked, he will scan the computer to see if it has any problems. Well I better go, I have to do a survey for President, I will let you know more about the changes next monday.

Love Elder Johnson