Well this week was a good week, it was super crazy for New Years Eve. Because of all the fireworks going off, there were so many people drunk and using fireworks. It was nuts! We might have 4 baptisms this week, we also have changes. Elder Horton is leaving and I'm staying in my area. The president called and asked Elder Horton if I was ready to train someone, but we both had talked about it ahead of time and I think I need to be junior companion one more time. It's so I can become better with my Spanish. I don`t feel ready enough to train anyone just yet. I'm also finishing up my training, which will be nice. I'm really hoping this change that I have a latino companion that just speaks Spanish, that would help me soooo much! One thing that I have realized in this mission, there are a lot of Elders and Sisters that are from Arizona, but I don`t know or haven't met them yet. A lot are from Mesa and Gilbert. Lately here my back has been killing me for some reason, I stretch it every day so I'm not sure what it is. We had a really good testimony meeting this Sunday, it actually lasted for about 2 hours! The meeting was only supposed to be 1 hour because of being Jan. 1st. I can`t believe how old everyone is getting, time does fly way to fast. I still can`t believe that next week I will have 5 months into my mission, but nothing is better than serving the Lord and seeing the joy on people`s faces when they realize who they are and what there purpose is here on earth. Well I love you all, sorry that didn`t have much to say, but this next week will be better.
Love Elder Johnson