So I have some exciting news, this week Elder Russell M. Nelson (click his name for more info) is coming to speak with us and we get the opportunity to shake his hand and greet him personally, I am really excited for that! So we've had a good week, we baptized this week, I have had 10 investigators baptized so far. I am so glad that I had the opportunity to teach them and for them to choose to be baptized. My spanish is still improving little by little. Me and Elder Nelson get along good. It's just like Dad said, I think of the companions I've had, and I think of why I was put with that particular person, and what I have learned and what I must still learn. I'm always happy no matter what comes my way because the Lord gives us trials for a reason and that is to help us grow. I'm already finished with training, I`m just a normal missionary now. I'm glad to hear when people come back to church again, it is a really good thing. It makes you think and know how God works his mighty miracles. You probably need to change the oil in the truck, because one it's been more than 5 months, and I'm positive you have traveled a bit sense then! I don`t have to worry about it, :D I'm doing something better and that is serving the Lord. Speaking of serving the Lord, I hope you all are preparing to serve the Lord, because believe or not your time is right around the corner, and once again nothing is better than serving the Lord. Well I love you all very much, I want to leave you all with a challenge, if you can find someone that needs the gospel, find ways to ether invite them to church or just an activity, anything small, because you`ll be planting seeds in there lives.
Love Elder Johnson