Monday, November 7, 2011

There, I sent you some pictures, hope you love them. So this week has been a really crazy week, we had a lot of meetings, we had a multi zone meeting, a zone meeting, and a district meeting, so some days here we didn`t work much, but we were still able to get two baptism, I actually have an experience, so after we baptized Marina and Louis, we were cleaning up everything, we already shook hands with them and said congratulations etc. but the boy louis came back to me and my companion and gave us a hug and said thank you so much, right after he did that, It struck me so hard, that this is what i'm here to do for the next to two years of my life, I mean I`ve always thought that, but this time it hit me, and it brought so much joy to know that they were happy, and that me and my companion guided them on the right path. Oh and I have another experience, so when me and my companion were filling up the font, we decided to leave for lunch, my companion said the font takes about two hours to fill, so after lunch, a thought came to me that we should go checks on the font, I told my companion, but he said no that it took two hours to fill, so I thought well he knows, he`s been here for 4 months, but when we returned to the church, the whole church was flooded, we were able to clean everything thank goodness, but my companion learned his lesson, it was kind of funny, but at the same time it wasn`t because of how much water flooded the church. My Spanish is starting to pick up, I talked to one of the Elders that`s leaving in three weeks, he told me some really good ideas, and not to worry to much about the spanish. Anyways, how is everyone doing? Tell Tara and Steve congratulations on the wedding. How are grandma and grandpa doing(All of them)? Oh and I really love my boots, I'm thankful that I have those, when it rains here, it rains a lot, so I wear my boots so my feet don`t get wet. I heard from someone that it`s supposed to rain more than what we have been getting, and it has rained quite a bit here. Also, mom! don`t loose your hinges, but of course that`s how mothers are supposed to be, but yes we do listen to CD`s but we can only listen to CD`s with the church signature on the back of it. I have been trying to use my stuff for my fingers, but I forget most of the time because of how tired I am at night. Anyways I love you all, practice faith and be strong in the gospel, you can only improve in something that you practice at, it`s like exercising a muscle, the more you work it out, the stronger it gets.

Love Elder Johnson