Monday, November 21, 2011

Hola mí familia!

I'm loving it out here, We baptized a father, we completed the family, it really feels good to complete a family, they were all so happy। So I'm half way through my training program, I'm really starting to get used to everything, the language is still coming, but it´s getting a lot better। We haven´t been able to move in our new house yet, but next week we will। Hey I don´t know if when you were cleaning my room, you found the ELECTRONIC SPANISH TRANSLATOR that Bro। Rockwood gave me, but I want you to send it to me, that will help me so much। PLEASE don´t tell me you threw it away!

Anyways, so far I have six baptism my first change, I hear that´s really lucky for me। I can´t believe your having Thanksgiving with out me, they don´t celebrate Thanksgiving or Halloween here in El Salvador। They already have there christmas stuff up। You can send whatever you want, I have nothing I really want, unless you want to put money in my account. :) Well tell me how everyone is doing? Has it cooled off yet? It will never cool off here, it´s hot everyday. Well me and my companion had a meeting with the bishop, because for some reason when I was conducting our weekly planning, I had a thought to set up an appointment with the Bishop to see what we could do to help the missionary progress. When we went in for our meeting, we asked him how we could help, and the first thing he said was that he was really frustrated with the Ward and that he needs so much help, before no Elder in that ward had ever asked him for an appointment. It made me think of how busy the Bishop is, we can´t even comprehend how much the Bishop does for the ward, they are busy 24/7. So be sure to give your thanks to Bishop Ellsworth and ask him how you can help him progress the work that the Lord has laid on this Earth. Well I love you all, make sure you pray night and day to your Heavenly Father, he wants to hear from you everyday.

Love Elder Johnson