Monday, November 21, 2011

Hola mí familia!

I'm loving it out here, We baptized a father, we completed the family, it really feels good to complete a family, they were all so happy। So I'm half way through my training program, I'm really starting to get used to everything, the language is still coming, but it´s getting a lot better। We haven´t been able to move in our new house yet, but next week we will। Hey I don´t know if when you were cleaning my room, you found the ELECTRONIC SPANISH TRANSLATOR that Bro। Rockwood gave me, but I want you to send it to me, that will help me so much। PLEASE don´t tell me you threw it away!

Anyways, so far I have six baptism my first change, I hear that´s really lucky for me। I can´t believe your having Thanksgiving with out me, they don´t celebrate Thanksgiving or Halloween here in El Salvador। They already have there christmas stuff up। You can send whatever you want, I have nothing I really want, unless you want to put money in my account. :) Well tell me how everyone is doing? Has it cooled off yet? It will never cool off here, it´s hot everyday. Well me and my companion had a meeting with the bishop, because for some reason when I was conducting our weekly planning, I had a thought to set up an appointment with the Bishop to see what we could do to help the missionary progress. When we went in for our meeting, we asked him how we could help, and the first thing he said was that he was really frustrated with the Ward and that he needs so much help, before no Elder in that ward had ever asked him for an appointment. It made me think of how busy the Bishop is, we can´t even comprehend how much the Bishop does for the ward, they are busy 24/7. So be sure to give your thanks to Bishop Ellsworth and ask him how you can help him progress the work that the Lord has laid on this Earth. Well I love you all, make sure you pray night and day to your Heavenly Father, he wants to hear from you everyday.

Love Elder Johnson

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

HAHA! Sorry Mommy! I forgot to tell you that we were going to the temple today, so they moved our p day to today। The temple is so beautiful, I just absolutely loved it, I really can`t wait to go in it again. I can`t believe Chase Allen left, I had no idea he got his call, who else has gotten there call? I can`t send pictures at this time because I forgot my camera when I went to the temple today, but next week I will be sending pictures. So this week we have another baptism, I`m so excited, he`s a really positive investigator. We also will hopefully baptize a family soon that we have been teaching ever since we got here. Oh and our wards do need our help with things, when me and my companion were doing weekly planning, I thought of just setting up an appointment with the bishop and discussing some things to help with. What could we do to help the work continue and progress? We just found out we are moving out of our house soon, the land lord told us he was selling it to someone, but it`s ok, we found something way better, with a shower and a toilet that actually works. Our other toilet, the only way to flush it would be to dump water into to it. Anyways, I really love it out here, the more the weeks pass by, the closer I get to these people. My Spanish is still not good at all, but I`m still striving to learn the proper grammar use, at least the people here always correct me and we all have a good laugh. So me and my companion every Friday now are teaching English. We thought it would be a good idea to attract more investigators into the gospel, so we will see how it works. We strive ever day to see how we can strike interest in people, like using objects they have and relating it to the gospel. Well enough about me, how is everyone doing? Tell Grandma and Grandpa hi and that I love them very much (all of them). Who else is getting there call or other important news that I need to know. It`s so weird to hear all this news ever since I left, it goes to show how fast time flies. Anyways I love you all.

Love Elder Johnson

Monday, November 7, 2011

There, I sent you some pictures, hope you love them. So this week has been a really crazy week, we had a lot of meetings, we had a multi zone meeting, a zone meeting, and a district meeting, so some days here we didn`t work much, but we were still able to get two baptism, I actually have an experience, so after we baptized Marina and Louis, we were cleaning up everything, we already shook hands with them and said congratulations etc. but the boy louis came back to me and my companion and gave us a hug and said thank you so much, right after he did that, It struck me so hard, that this is what i'm here to do for the next to two years of my life, I mean I`ve always thought that, but this time it hit me, and it brought so much joy to know that they were happy, and that me and my companion guided them on the right path. Oh and I have another experience, so when me and my companion were filling up the font, we decided to leave for lunch, my companion said the font takes about two hours to fill, so after lunch, a thought came to me that we should go checks on the font, I told my companion, but he said no that it took two hours to fill, so I thought well he knows, he`s been here for 4 months, but when we returned to the church, the whole church was flooded, we were able to clean everything thank goodness, but my companion learned his lesson, it was kind of funny, but at the same time it wasn`t because of how much water flooded the church. My Spanish is starting to pick up, I talked to one of the Elders that`s leaving in three weeks, he told me some really good ideas, and not to worry to much about the spanish. Anyways, how is everyone doing? Tell Tara and Steve congratulations on the wedding. How are grandma and grandpa doing(All of them)? Oh and I really love my boots, I'm thankful that I have those, when it rains here, it rains a lot, so I wear my boots so my feet don`t get wet. I heard from someone that it`s supposed to rain more than what we have been getting, and it has rained quite a bit here. Also, mom! don`t loose your hinges, but of course that`s how mothers are supposed to be, but yes we do listen to CD`s but we can only listen to CD`s with the church signature on the back of it. I have been trying to use my stuff for my fingers, but I forget most of the time because of how tired I am at night. Anyways I love you all, practice faith and be strong in the gospel, you can only improve in something that you practice at, it`s like exercising a muscle, the more you work it out, the stronger it gets.

Love Elder Johnson