Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Well next week I'm leaving for El Salvador, on Monday! I'm really excited to go, my spanish still isn´t that great, but I heard by the time I call in December, my spanish will be good enough to understand and listen। We watched general conference and it was the best conference I´ve ever heard. Probably my favorite session was Priesthood, Elder Holland's talk was great. I liked how he talked about how we need missionaries, believe it or not we do! It´s so much better with more people, Mom and Dad, your next in line for a mission, so you better start preparing for it, ha-ha just kidding! But seriously I have really enjoyed my time at the MTC. I have grown so much in my spanish and in the gospel, I feel ready to leave now, I know it´s going to be extremely hard out in the field, but I know the Lord will help me in everything. I heard a talk by Elder Holland yesterday, he was talking about our missions and how we grow and learn to love the people. One thing that struck me so hard I started to cry, he said one thing that pains him is how can missionaries go home and fall away from the church when they were telling people to repent and bared testimony of those things. I know once I get home from my mission, my work will never be over, its forever! Anyways, sorry, but I felt that I needed to say that for some reason. I love you all so much, this is the greatest thing that I have ever felt or done, the best decision of my life. I have a strong testimony of this gospel, and I know that everything I'm going to teach is true. I will answer your questions when I get to El Salvador, they will give me a lot more time.

Love Elder Johnson