Well I guess I will write you, ha-ha just kidding! Everything is going great here, my new companion is Elder Horton, he speaks Spanish and English, it`s really hard trying to talk to people or understand them, I seriously can`t understand them at all, so the language is probably the toughest thing for me right now, but I`m told not to worry about it will come। I believe it will happen, I just need to be patient. Anyways, this mission is probably really close to dads mission, my area that i'm in is really poor, our house isn't big what so ever. I bathe in cold water every morning with a bucket, it`s really rare that you get showers here, and if your lucky, maybe a built in hot water heater for the shower. Anyways, there is a lot of sickness that I need to avoid here. I can`t even drink out of the tap otherwise I will get real sick, I really do feel fortunate to live in the states! I really don`t know how people survive here in El Salvador, I have learned a lot from these people. Probably the most funniest things that I hear in El Salvador is when we are trying to teach someone about the gospel, the first thing they start talking about are these weird visions they think they are having. I try not to laugh and do the best I can to teach them. It is real hard sometimes to get investigators to come to church, especially since it rains! Usually 160 members come to church, but since it rains, members get real lazy and don´t come, this Sunday we only had 60 people at church! What happened? I have no idea! We are really super busy with everything. We had two baptisms hopefully this saturday if we get them to stay committed. Time is flying by way too fast, it hadn`t dawned on me that I have been out here for 2 1/2 months. I really try my best to do everything I can to be obedient and be receptive to the spirit, and yes I being more obedient than I ever was at home. ;). Anyways tell me how everyone is doing, how is grandma and grandpa doing, both of them? Tell Grandpa I am learning spanish, just at a slow, slow pace. I`m going to start writing letters the best I can to everyone. Anyways I love all of you and I'm going to try to start sending some photos now. Please keep me in your prayers!
Love Elder Johnson