Hey everyone and Family! Well this week was an alright week for LPE, we didn´t receive many good references but we did complete with our goal of 140. Everywhere we did our LPE, the people wouldn't listen to us or they always said that they have their faith, so this week we are going to come up with a better plan on how we can locate the chosen. We were able to however bring two investigators to church, its been like a long time since that happened, but we were very excited to have had them with us. The first one we had with us was Marielos, I´ve already explained a little bit about her, but all we really have to do now is to get her married to Hno. Rodrigo Carmen, and yes he already is a member. Once we get them married she should be able to get baptized by the end of this month, we´re super excited and working hard to get that done. Our other investigator is really special, we contacted her doing LPE, we had already visited her once before about the restoration of the gospel, and she was a little uncertain about it because she has visited a bunch of didn´t churches and has been baptized in a few them. So we left her with the promise that if she would pray with a sincere heart to really know that what we have taught her is true, she would receive her answer. So the next time we went back and asked her if she had prayed to find out the truth, she told us yes but hasn´t received her answer. We followed the promptings of the spirit and asked her what was she expecting to receive and asked her how she felt after the prayer, and after that she told us that she felt peace and comfort. I thought of two scriptures, John 16:7-13, and Galatians 5:22-23, we talked about when Jesus Christ was resurrected and said that he would send the Holy Spirit to guide us, and then we talked about how the holy spirit works. After talking about those principals, she told us and said that she knows that she received her answer and that what we were telling her was true and that she would attend church. That´s just a testimony builder for me of why it is important to follow the promptings of the spirit. All in all we are working hard to find those who are chosen, we know there are some out here we just have to keep digging harder to find them. So I heard dad was sick, well yea I would get sick to if I ate almost 2 pounds of pure salt! Sounds good that Steven was able to skype you from Afghanistan. Tell him to write me if he has the chance, it doesn´t need to be a big letter, just a couple of words would be nice! I wrote him all the time when he would write back! Oh and tell him that he´s the Devil, just say it and he will understand. :D Oh I found out I might be here another three more months because my companion leaves for Mexico August 13th. President told me he might send me a miny missionary, a miny missionary is when someone from this country is getting ready to be a missionary and they have the opportunity to serve for a month and half with the Elders before they leave to go on their mission. So I will be training another greenie and it is not easy to train a greenie, more stress for me. Oh and mom just remember, I´m never going have the opportunity again to shower with warm water, at least until I get home. I can´t believe a lot of my friends will be coming home from their missions soon! I bet that´s something they are hating right now. Well I must be going, we have to go get the visa papers for Elder Vargas. You are all in my prayers and I love you. Send my love to Grandma and Grandpa (all of them). Till next week!
Love Elder Johnson
Love Elder Johnson