Monday, June 11, 2012

This week was a good week on lessons, we are improving little by little. And no we weren´t able to get Wilber baptized, he had to work a lot this last week, so there was no interview.  But next week we have everything planned, we will be able to get him interviewed and baptized. We are having so much difficulty getting our investigators to come to church!  I´ve seriously done almost everything I can do to get them to come, they always say that there going to, we even go by their house´s before church to bring them, but it never works.  I guess we will just keep trying till we get them there. We are still striving every day to focus on the needs of our investigators in our studies, also on how we can become better in meeting our goals every week. We were able to have counsel meeting with the ward and we have some pretty good goals in how we can be better missionaries and how the ward can help us in this work.  I´m hoping we will see some good progress. Oh about the girl JaKell that died, I really didn't know her too much, but it just goes to show that this life is fragile. We can never know what to expect, but God does!  That´s why we have His promise that if we are doing everything we´re supposed to do, we are promised eternal life, that´s why He says prepare now and don´t wait, because we don´t know when it will be our time to go home.  It can be a long life or a short one, but God does love us and wants us to be happy while we are here, we all have a purpose, we all have our callings to be fulfill, whether it be here or in the spirit world. Oh and about the marriage you told me about, Wow!  I don´t know why but that would be terrible if someone backed out of a temple marriage or didn't show up, I think that´s a hundred times worse than someone standing up there fiance at a normal wedding! I seriously can´t believe Jake and John are almost home, the time is going by way too fast!  I only have one more change until I have 1 year in the mission, and I keep hearing that it just gets faster and faster by the other missionaries, just when you don´t want it to. Our ward here in Arce is actually very small right now, we have a lot of less actives.  But we are working with the leaders in the ward to change all of that, we hope that these goals will work. Well I love you all, you are all in my prayers, keep strong in your faith of Christ.  And remember we never know when its are time to be called home so we should be preparing now!  Till next week,

Love Elder Johnson