This week was a good week for LPE, oh and LPE is when we talk to people off the street or knock on their door and talk to them for 2 min. about the gospel. We were able to finish with 140, I can honestly say I see the blessings from it, it all makes sense to me now, if we don´t do our LPE, we won´t find people who are chosen and are willing to hear the lessons, so really our focus right now is to complete every single week with 140 LPE's. So this week we were able to get one of our investigators to church, her name is Hna Carmen, really all we need to do is get her married to her boyfriend who is a member, we talked about it with them Sunday and they agree that they need to get married because she really feels that she needs to get baptized. We have a family that we are working with right now, they have five in their family, one of them is a member already. They say they want to get baptized and learn more about the gospel but they didn´t show up to church on Sunday. We went by their house on Saturday and they told us they would like to come, we even told them that we would stop by to pick them up, so we did, and they weren´t home. So the next time we pass their house we are going to be stern with them, we can´t do everything for them and they need to make their own decisions! But I will still continue to pray for them. I learn something new every week, this week has been another learning experience for me. There are things I need to improve on, I know I´m not the best missionary and that I will never be perfect, but as long as I keep on trying to improve, I believe that God will help me. We have been a little more successful in getting our ward members active in our activities, they have helped with the missionary work and we had a little better attendance. It just goes to show that activities in the ward can really help with those who are less active. So that was my week. It was really good to hear about the dream Aaron had, it just goes to show that Heavenly Father is very aware of our thoughts and prayers and He works in mysterious ways. Gods work is mysterious, He even uses other people to answer ours prayers sometimes. I know that grandma is in a better place, and really we are not to far away from her, we just need to finish our purposes here on earth then we can be with her again. Ok about this allergy thing, I´ve already told you once at the beginning of the mission, but I know how there is a certain point in life where we start forgetting things and stuff with age. HAHAHAHA! I developed an allergic reaction in Provo, but the thing is they don´t know what causes it, it just shows up very randomly. We will figure it out after the mission, it´s not deadly or anything like that! We don´t have changes until Aug. 1st dad since you asked. Well tell everyone hello and that I love them. Thank you for all your prayers, I love you all.
Love Elder Johnson
Love Elder Johnson