Thursday, April 26, 2012

Hello everyone!!
So I heard that Tyler got his call, I can´t hardly believe it, everyone is growing up so fast and it´s also cool that he´s going to Mexico, when he returns nobody is going to understand either of us. So my area is getting a little bit better, we have found a lot of new investigators, we will also keep looking for more because I'm not sure these families will stay with us. We really have a big area, so we still need to search from top to bottom. We will hopefully have a baptism this week, the family we have been working with is getting married this week, so then we can get them baptized. So I have received a new companion and his name is Elder Vargas, he is from here, and yes I am training him. He is also waiting for his visa to go to Mexico but he is not going to the same mission as Tyler. So I heard that the Hermosillo mission is a really cool place to be, it is not as hot over there like it is here, LUCKY!! So I heard Ethan is getting surgery, doesn´t sound like much fun, but if he endures through these trials, God will bless him more than he can imagine. I have been really seeing the blessing in my life, if you just do what the Lord asks, even through trials, He promises that His love and watch over us will never cease, so count your blessings! So it looks like Dad and Daniel didn´t get drawn this year, they wouldn´t have gotten anything anyways because I mean without me, their luck wouldn't be any good anyways! hahaha!! So that´s all I really have for this week. You are all in my prayers, please send my love to everyone. Till next week! :)

Love Elder Johnson

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Dear Family

Hey, how are things going? Everything here is going ok. My area is kind of dead right now, we don`t have anybody! No body really wants to talk to us, we are constantly searching for new investigators but no one has the desire to learn more about the gospel. I`m pretty sure it is a trial of my faith, but I can defiantly let you know right now that with out a doubt I will not stop searching this area until I find every person that the Lord wants me to find, because the Lord defiantly prepares his people, we just need to do our job and find those people. I constantly pray everyday to find those individuals or find someone that is prepared, I know that one day that will happen! I will just continue to keep searching until it does. So we are still working on one family, they just need to get married so we can baptize them, that`s basically who we have, we will just keep our heads up and keep looking. Elder Moran is doing great, he is great example to me. He speaks to the people in a great way, but it seems like we are constantly having to improve our self's in some way, but what missionary doesn`t. He hasn´t left let, we were fixing things today for his visa so he could leave this week or next week. There is a chance he wont leave until the end of the change. We won`t really know until we get a call letting us know when his date is. So I read a letter by President Glazier today and one of the missionary wrote in this particular letter. I liked everything he talked about, he talked about skills and abilities, and how they are not important in the mission. He even expressed to us that he wasn`t skillful at all, but how he was called to do the very best he could do and not to worry about who is better at what or who is better at something than you! Something he said has really struck me, he quoted from Elder Amado, "We all know that the Lord could be a way better missionary than we can, so really why did the Lord call me on a mission?" I thought about it, and I thought about the words of that missionary! I was called to do my very best and to invite people to come unto Christ, regardless of my talents or abilities! I have faith that we will find those who are looking for us. Maybe you can take this talk and apply it to your self's in a way that you may be struggling. Well I`m going to close for now, I send my love and prayers out to everyone, till next week.

Love Elder Johnson

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Dear Family,

How is everything going at home? It´s going super great here, the training is definitely difficult, my companion Elder Moran will actually leave this Wednesday to his real mission. His visa came in so we will see what the president will do with me. So I think I'm definitely going through a trail right now, in my area there is nobody that wants to talk to us. We hardly had any lessons this week, but yet we are on our feet everyday hitting the roads and knocking on doors, but it´s ok, as long as I'm doing everything I'm supposed to, Heavenly Father won´t leave me. So I heard Chile had a 8.8 earthquake there, so we are stepping up really hard on our kits and what not because you never know who is next. That´s good to here that grandma is doing a little better, we never know what the Lord ahs in store for us. So this last week we had what is called "semana santa", it´s a week where everybody remembers what Jesus did for us in his life, they watch movies about the life of Christ, they even did something on Saturday which was cool. They closed off most of the streets in our city Arce so they could draw designs in the streets about Jesus, they had a ton of groups doing it, it was kind of cool. Then right at 6:30 all of sudden it started to storm and rain super hard, but there was no cloud in sight before. Just thinking about the storm made me think of how powerful the storm must have been when Jesus died, we know that a lot of things were destroyed. It´s kind of funny what dad said about training someone, because it´s true! What the greenies learn from their trainer, they LEARN EVERYTHING, they basically become you, so just think of another latino Gavin running around here! hahahaha! Oh and I received a letter from my mission president saying DO NOT update my FACEBOOK any more because they´re having a lot of problems with Elders in the mission using them, and they can´t tell which ones are doing it, so really don´t worry about it, it will be there after my mission. So what is Misha doing for mesa public schools? How's the weather there, oh wait I know that questioned, Hot!!!! hahaah! It´s ok, it´s hot here all year, so I have 16 more months left of hot weather! Well I'm glad everybody is doing good, I love you all, remember that God has given us weaknesses for a reason, to come closer to Him. Send my love to the Grandparents.

Love Elder Johnson