Monday, December 26, 2011

Hey everyone! It was great to see you all, too bad I didn`t get to tell you about most of my mission because of time, but maybe next time. So Elder Horton and I for Christmas went and ate at a few members houses, but then at 12:00 at night everyone was lighting off fireworks, they say it will get worse for the new year. So we were supposed to have a baptism this month, but we think it fell through because she didn`t want to have an interview. She even told us that she was ready, we went through the pre interview questions and she seemed ready, but I guess we are going to have to work with her a little more. Like I said there were fireworks going off late last night and they will get worse around Dec. 31st! I think they will have us go in a little early because of all the drunks that will be out that night. Other than that everything is been great, I`m enjoying every bit of my mission. Now we have changes after this week, most likely Elder Horton is leaving because he has been in this area for 6 months. I hope that I get another Latino that only speaks spanish because those that speak English, don't help me out much, but all is well. I`m learning spanish either way. So not much has really happened this week because of interchanges and Christmas. But I want to know how everyone is doing? Tell grandma and grandpa I love them( all of them) I will send a bunch of photos.

Love Elder Johnson

Monday, December 19, 2011

HEY! Comò Esta Con Todo! How is everyone doing? Well this week was a good week, We did way more lessons than we have every done in one week, we also have 3 baptisms dates before my change. YES!! We are working real hard to keep those dates, we are teaching them as much as possible so they don`t get cold feet. So I can`t believe that I'm almost done with my training, this last week I have lead all of the lessons, and that's from now until the end of my training. I have already lead a lot of lessons, but it is super hard because a lot of the times they can`t understand me, but I still have faith and I'm working hard on the language, and yet again I`ve only been out here 2 months, so I expect too much out of myself, oh well life goes on. I'm loving every minute of it though! I received the package you sent me and I loved all of it, you actually sent me a lot, tell everyone I will send a letter. I can`t believe Jason is a Fire Fighter now, which leads me to something I want to talk about, patience! One of the most important things we all need, a lot of people expect an answer, help, or something in their life, but the thing they lack is patience. If we don`t have any patience, how do we expect to receive something. It is in the Lords own due time, for example; Jason has become a fire fighter now, because he has been patient, he has worked hard for that and I'm pretty sure he has also prayed hard. Anyways I love you all, you are all in my prayers. Talk to you soon,

Love Elder Johnson

Monday, December 12, 2011

Ok, before you flip out and go crazy, you need to brace yourselves. We just received a letter from President Glazier saying that we are allowed to skype you or call you, only for 30 min. I think we are allowed to either do it Saturday the 24th or Sunday the 25th, but we can't skype on Sunday, so pick your choice. So this week was pretty weird, we had interchanges Tuesday and that was interesting to see how other Elders teach lessons. We also had lunch with President and Sister Glazier, and that was a nice experience, at the end we all had a testimony meeting, and that was super powerful, everyone here has super strong testimonies. So I only have three more weeks of training and then me or my companion has changes in January. I feel that my Spanish is getting more comfortable, but it is still super difficult, but I always try to keep in mind that it`s not me that`s teaching, it is the spirit, and besides, I got compliments from the Bishops son who said my Spanish is way better than most who are here in El Salvador for only two months, so I'm not too worried about it. So me and my companion are doing pretty good, we still don't have any possible for baptism this month, but we are still striving to work hard with all of our investigators. So I'm reading this book that was given to us in the MTC, it is called "Our Search for Happiness" it is written by M. Russell Ballard, I was reading about when Jesus came to the earth, and one of the thing that hit me real hard and made me think is that Jesus had the power to stop all of the torment, being battered and beaten, and all the sorrow, and the list goes on; he is the son of god, he could have stop all these things in a number of ways, but he let it happen to himself so that we could receive the priceless gift of eternal life, now that is absolutely pure love, we can't and won't be able to comprehend what he did for us. Well I still haven`t received your package, but I'm pretty sure it's sitting in the office right now. Tell me how everyone is doing, and send my love to grandma and grandpa (all of them)I love you all.

Love Elder Johnson

Here is a video of Elder Johnson doing some magic! ;)

Monday, December 5, 2011

Como Està Todo! Well this week was a lot better, I feel a lot better, and the toilet is not my friend anymore. We were working hard this week to find more investigators, so when we were doing LPE, we found a family of TEN! And also they are really super positive, we hope to baptize them this December. I don`t know if any of you were able to see the Christmas devotional, but that was super great, even though it was in spanish and I didn't understand too much of it, but I was able to get the main points. I recommend watching it if you haven`t, and also I'm reading the Ensign and New Era, there is always good things in there, and you will always learn something new. So this week our zone has the opportunity to eat at the Presidents house, I`m super excited for that!! :D My spanish is still coming, slowly but surely, I`m able to understand what they mostly say, I`m also going to write in spanish for the guys at the shop, maybe that will be something good for them to here from me. Me and my companion are striving hard to bring our investigators to church, it`s still difficult, but I know as long as I`m doing my best and coming home tired every night, then I have nothing to worry about. I have almost already trashed my first pair of shoes, there is a big rip in the left part of the sole, I`m already breaking in the new ones, not knowing how long those are going to last. So I still haven`t received the package you sent me, but I`m pretty sure I will get it this Wednesday when the Zone goes to the Presidents house. So I don`t know about the phone call thing, but I will let you all know when I here about it. So Steven better start writing me because if I wrote to him for two years, then he can very well write me, even if it`s short. Well please tell me how everybody is doing especially grandma and grandpa (All of them). I love you all, always trust in the Lord with all your might, because He knows each and every one of us, and what need.

Love Elder Johnson

Cick here to watch the Christmas Devotional.